Beta Testing Information
Group Study is a mobile app that connects students with peers in their area. The app is currently in development and through beta testing, we are hoping to gain valuable insights and user feedback.
We are seeking the participation of 10 undergraduate students interested in connecting with fellow students for meetups and to form study groups. Over a week-long period, participants will actively use the app to search for and create study groups, as well as coordinate meetups. Given the limited user pool during this testing phase, some coordination among participants is anticipated.
Key actions required
The key features of the app are:
1. Search for fellow students and form study groups.
2. Arrange meet-ups / study sessions.
3. Individual study tools.
Participants are expected to test all three features. Feature 1 necessitates coordination among participants due to the limited user pool. The recommended approach is for participants to collectively agree upon daily two-hour time slots, aligning with their class timetables, during which they make themselves available for searching and forming groups. Without predefined time slots, searches may become redundant due to insufficient active users simultaneously.
Features 2 and 3 can be tested at any convenient time as simultaneous app use by participants is not necessary. For Feature 2, participants can schedule meetups at their convenience within the beta testing week. For Feature 3, individual testing can occur at any time, provided it is also within the beta testing week.
Upon finalizing participant groups, we will send out invitations for a Google Meet session, where we will formally introduce ourselves and allow time for participants to coordinate time slots for Feature 1.
At the conclusion of the beta testing window, a feedback form will be shared with participants. This will provide us invaluable insight and user feedback.
Terms and conditions for beta testing
The usage of the app is subject to the terms outlined in the privacy policy, terms and conditions and end-user license agreement available on our website and accessible via the app. Participants are obliged to uphold confidentiality regarding app designs, aesthetics, and any proprietary information they encounter during the testing phase.
In addition to these formal terms, we kindly request participants to:
1. Be aware the app is still in development, and occasional bugs / glitches may occur. We appreciate your patience in case of any malfunctions, and would be grateful if you can report it immediately.
2. While we value word of mouth, we ask if consideration is made when sharing strong negative comments outside the participating group.
3. Be respectful to other participants, and refrain from any actions that may result in negative experience for others.
4. Treat beta testing with sincerity as we worked very hard on the app and this exercise is an opportunity to evaluate our work.
Key information about privacy and data sharing
1. The app will require certain personal information (e.g. name, email address and profile picture). This information will be collected for the sole purpose of validating users and facilitating app functions, and will be utilised in accordance with the privacy policy, terms and conditions and end-user license agreement.
2. No information provided will be shared with any third parties nor used for any purpose beyond the beta testing exercise. However, participants can request their data to be wiped at any time during or after beta testing.
3. Participants can choose to withdraw from beta testing at any time. The Group Study Team can also choose to cancel or postpone beta testing at any time (in which case participants can choose to have their data wiped).
4. The app will state the permissions and device access required at each stage. Participants are not obliged to grant these, but app experience may be deteriorated without them.
Thank you voucher
The £10 voucher will be provided only to participants who complete beta testing fully (i.e. use the app sufficiently to form a strong judgement and complete the feedback survey). Participants can select the vendor, provided they offer vouchers or gift cards. The Group Study Team holds no responsibility for how the voucher is utilised or for the goods / services acquired using it.
We are also happy to provide references should any participant wish to list this exercise on their CV as an extracurricular activity.
Connection with University of Aberdeen
For clarity, we are not connected with the University of Aberdeen or the Chemistry Department in any way. We are a separate party of developers hoping to build something that students will find useful!
We would like to thank everyone in advance for their participation! This is a project we have worked very hard on, and your help will go a long way!